Google Sheets native functions and options only allow you to reference data not import it. Google Sheets offers a few native options for data referencing including the IMPORTRANGE function. In addition, you may need to import data from one sheet/spreadsheet to another based on certain criteria or even combine data from multiple sheets into one view.

You can reference another sheet in Google Sheets, a cell or a cell range, as well as columns and rows. There are multiple cases and ways to reference data in Google Sheets. Note that converting the file to a CSV file will require you to establish a new data source in Openprise that is configured to read CSV files.What to choose to reference data from other sheets or tabs How to reference data from other sheets or tabs – what are the options? If this is the case, you can use Excel to break the file up into smaller files and re-upload them to G-drive and convert them to sheets, or convert the file to a CSV file.